6 Questions to Ask When Considering SMSF Outsourcing Company

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There comes a time when all your resources are packed with work and files. But you still need more help to finish new client work and additional tasks. This additional help is provided by a SMSF outsourcing company who you connect with and share your projects with. It also comes with a responsibility of delegating, so one always tries to partner with a SMSF outsourcing company in same region say Australia keeping laws, cultural background and time zones similar. Also prior experienced in handling such tasks and completing them with accuracy muse be checked before considering any SMSF outsourcing company.

If you want more help, here are 6 questions to ask your SMSF outsourcing company before you outsource your work:

  1.  Do you have SMSF management experience?
It is very important for the SMSF outsourcing company, you are interviewing to offload your work, to have extensive experience in handling, managing and processing Superannuation funds. Ask this as the very first questions; because you do not want just another record keeping accounting company, you want the outsourcing company that specialises in SMSF.

2.  Are you certified, accurate and focussed on quality?
As a cultural thing, we Australians are obsessed with accuracy and perfection. If you are partnering with an Australian SMSF outsourcing firm you must again verify regarding their certification, accuracy and standards of check they keep ensuring quality fund processing work. Do not, I repeat, do not take their word for it, get it in writing.

3.  Do you agree with our company terms?
All SMSF funds require certain procedures to be followed and managers need to maintain a great level of secrecy. So, the company you outsource work must agree to all your company norms. This helps in smooth work and avoids breaching client terms.

4.  What do you charge?
A straight shooter question which is really important when it comes to assigning and delegating work – is what would you charge? One cannot mince words or be unclear when discussing this.

5.  Do you have any hidden costs?
Many clients complained that outsourcing resulted in poor service because many a times they were charged irregularly and many hidden costs were not openly discussed beforehand. It is therefore a major question to ask your SMSF outsouricing company.

6.  What is your fund processing time?
Most funds are processed within a week. But to be certain that your outsourced Superannuation funds are ready in a given deadline, ask them and get it in written, when will they deliver.

We sincerely hope you got answers to all your queries regarding SMSF outsourcing companies in Queensland, Australia.

Want to know more about SMSF? Contact our experts on 1300 707 326 or [email protected] today.

Categories: SMSF
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